"Remnants of the Damned" 2nd Free Period on Amazon

Hello all. Hope you all had a really nice New Year. I can't believe we're already 20 days into 2014; it is flying by so quickly.

Just a quick notification, Abyssal Sanctuary: Remnants of the Damned is available on Amazon for free again from today (January 20) to Friday (January 24). I'm still working on making this a permanently free ebook but it's harder than I thought.

Also, Remnants of the Damned is available on paperback which I self-published through CreateSpace and is now available through Amazon and other online retailers. Prices can vary by country but it isn't too expensive. If you don't have an e-book reader, then you'll be able to own a physical copy of the book. It is available worldwide so it shouldn't be too hard to get a hold of.

The prologue of the second book, Ashes of the Innocent, is complete and has set up a crazy intense story for the sequel so I cannot wait for you all to read it eventually. I might put it online in a few months to create some hype for the second book's release on October 6, 2014.

If any more news surfaces, I shall update you all through this blog. I seem to be more active on my Twitter (@gavinh2010) account than here so follow me on there for more up-to-date information. Thanks a lot everyone and hope you all are having a good 2014!
