Author Gavin Hetherington Has Social Media & Readership Reach of Over 5 Million!

Going through all of my social media websites, book sales and places my book is available to read, I have recently discovered the total reach for my readership exceeds 5 million. I'll include the breakdown of how I get to that number, but I thought it was a pretty remarkable achievement that I wanted to share with my readers.
Followers - 107,663
Likes for Remnants of the Damned Page - 2,929
Subscribers - 853
Lifetime views - 4,191,344
Google Plus
Followers - 399
Views - 758,037
Followers - 292
Total Book Reads - 15,209
Total Book Votes - 776
Total Book Comments - 153
Followers - 1,223
Official Website
Total vistors - 3,828
Total Article Views - 53,474
Total Article Comments - 222
Remnants of the Damned Book Sales
Amazon - 10,814
Barnes & Noble - 2,200
Smashwords - 389
Apple Store - 251
CreateSpace - 29
Sony Store - 23
Page Foundry - 6
Total Book Sales - 13,712
(Total Book Sales + Total Wattpad Reads = 27,839)
Fans - 105
So with all of my followers and fans (including Facebook likes) added together from the various websites, my total follower count will come to 113,464. With all of the views, book sales, votes and comments, my audience reach becomes 5,036,755. Add both together and that's 5,150,219.
That's 5.15 million with absolutely everything factored in. I haven't included ratings and reviews on sites such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads etc. I have a big problem with the Goodreads ratings system so I choose to ignore it.
I am very proud of these achievements. My readership can only grow from here. With a brand-spanking new cover coming for Remnants of the Damned to accompany the re-release of the freshly-edited book, I expect sales to only go further. The cover will be designed by a truly fantastic artist who has worked on several book jackets in the past with incredible results. Once the re-release is out later this year, the book will be promoted on amazing websites such as BookBub (which has been known to cause author's sales to soar), as well as the award recognitions for my book. The book will be displayed at the Miami Book Festival this November following the award ceremony that I will be attending to collect an award for the book. Also, my book is in the running for the Young Writer's Prize on Wattpad, adding more exposure.
I hope everybody is having a successful 2014 so far too! Thanks for the continued support as I ride my dream of being a writer - you guys are phenomenal.
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